
Our Blog

Mid-Year Office Updates

July 9th, 2024

"My son needed a filling after an endodontic treatment on his front tooth and Dr. Azadpur not only placed the filling but also polished the tooth which helped it match the other teeth better. He is more confident to smile. Extremely satisfied with Dr. Azadpur’s care!!! Would highly recommend!"

We’ve reached the halfway mark of the year, and it’s time to share some exciting updates!

This year, we sponsored the Simsbury High School Girls Rugby team and are thrilled to announce that they won the State Championship! Some of these incredible athletes are patients in our office. We are so proud of the whole team!

We’re giving away an iPad and Airpods as our 3rd Quarter contest giveaway. People can refer a friend to the office or write a review on Google or our Facebook page to earn entries. The drawing will be held at the end of September, so don’t miss your chance to participate!

We’re also excited to introduce a new team member! Joanna joined us at the end of June at our front desk. She has extensive office experience and a great smile. Be sure to say hi the next time you come in and welcome her to our team!

Our practice continues to grow! We are currently looking to hire another hygienist as well as a dental associate. If you or someone you know is interested, please call 860-658-7548, ext 5, and leave a detailed message including your contact information. Must love children!

Additionally, we want to reintroduce our dedicated doctor, Dr. Azadpur. She is known for her amazing dedication and commitment to her patients and families. Dr. Azadpur continues to increase her knowledge base and stays up to date on the latest procedures in dentistry. She invests a great deal in the training of the Team too, ensuring that we provide the best care possible with our state-of-the-art technology.

This month we are highlighting a service we are proud to offer called Vivos. This service involves oral appliance therapy to help correct airway issues. If your child is a candidate, Dr. Azadpur will discuss the treatment and options at their next visit. Additionally, Dr. Azadpur and her assistants perform frenectomies in the office to correct lip and tongue ties. This procedure, when combined with myofascial therapy, has produced very promising results for infants and children. Our team will evaluate your child to determine if it’s necessary.

Regarding appointments, our summer schedule is fully committed, and we are booking into late fall. We do maintain an ASAP list to call if unexpected openings occur, so keep that in mind if you need an appointment sooner.

Lastly, we want to wish our head hygienist, Cindy, a very happy birthday!

Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for being a part of our practice!

Tooth Eruption Timeline

July 3rd, 2024

Parents, and even older children, can become concerned about tooth development. Wondering when teeth should erupt, and being concerned when the teeth do not appear on schedule, is common. First, you need to remember that each individual is different. Guidelines are just guidelines, but Dr. Maryam Azadpur and our team at Simsbury Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry thought we would pass on this information to help you.

Primary teeth

Children normally have 20 primary or baby teeth. The first two to appear are usually the lower central incisors between six to ten months of age. These fall out between five and seven years of age.

  • Two upper central incisors – eight to 12 months
  • Two upper lateral incisors – nine to 13 months
  • Two upper cuspids or canines – 16 to 22 months
  • Two upper first molars – 13 to 19 months
  • Two upper second molars – 25 to 33 months
  • Two lower lateral incisors – ten to 16 months
  • Two lower cuspids or canines – 17 to 23 months
  • Two lower first molars – 14 to 18 months
  • Two lower second molars – 13 to 31 months

As you can see, all the primary teeth normally have erupted before three years of age, but the timeline can vary by four to six months. Except for the lower central incisors and second molars, upper teeth tend to appear before lower teeth.

Permanent or adult teeth

Adults normally have 32 permanent teeth. However, four of these are wisdom teeth or third molars, which are often removed.

  • Two upper central incisors – seven to eight years
  • Two upper lateral incisors – eight to nine years
  • Two upper cuspids or canines – 11 to 12 years
  • Two upper first premolars or bicuspids – ten to 11 years
  • Two upper second premolars or bicuspids – ten to 12 years
  • Two upper first molars – six to seven years
  • Two upper second molars – 12 to 13 years
  • Two upper third molars or wisdom teeth – 17 to 21 years
  • Two lower central incisors – six to seven years
  • Two lower lateral incisors – seven to eight years
  • Two lower cuspids or canines – nine to ten years
  • Two lower first premolars or bicuspids – ten to 12 years
  • Two lower second premolars or bicuspids – 11 to 12 years
  • Two lower first molars – six to seven years
  • Two lower second molars – 11 to 13 years
  • Two lower third molars or wisdom teeth – 17 to 21 years

Please discuss any of your dental concerns during your visit with Dr. Maryam Azadpur. If there is a problem with tooth development, the earlier we address it, the better the outcome. We specialize in pediatric dentistry and look forward to helping you and your child with all your dental needs. To learn more about tooth eruption, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Maryam Azadpur, please give us a call at our convenient Simsbury, CT office!

Electric Toothbrush: How do you choose?

June 26th, 2024

Since the introduction of the power toothbrush in the 1960s, this tool has undergone many technological advances, from design and bristle motions to rotation oscillation and sonic vibration.

What is rotation oscillation? That’s when the head of the toothbrush alternately rotates in one direction and then the other. Power toothbrushes can deliver up to 50,000 strokes per minute, which is much more effective than the average 300 strokes per minute with a manual toothbrush.

A smaller brush head is available for hard-to-reach areas, which is a good alternative for small mouths. The brush heads are replaceable and should be changed every three to six months. Each family member should have his or her own brush head while sharing the base motor. What a great deal! Check the handle size. A large handle is better for members of the household with arthritis, children, or family with other physical disabilities.

A rechargeable toothbrush is ideal. It should deliver enough power on a full charge for one week of brushing.

We recommend you brush for a minimum of two minutes. Some electric toothbrushes include a signal you can hear, such as a beep every 30 seconds, to indicate it's time to switch to a different area of the mouth. Others sound an alert after the full two minutes has elapsed.

Will an electric toothbrush harm the teeth or gums? Studies indicate that people tend to apply more damaging pressure to their teeth and gums during manual brushing than when they use an electric toothbrush. If you experience tooth sensitivity, choose a model with pressure sensors that stop the toothbrush any time you press too hard.

Who would benefit from an electric toothbrush? Everyone! Consumers with a physical disability may have specific needs that power toothbrushes can address. Children also tend to maintain better oral health hygiene when they use an automatic toothbrush. Plus, many of them find it fun to brush!

Automatic toothbrushes really do remove debris better than the old-fashioned way. You may have heard the term “biofilm.” Better known as plaque when it occurs in the mouth, biofilm is the debris and bacteria that cause infections to your teeth. It regenerates quickly, so healthy habits are the best defense for a healthier you! With a healthier mouth, you face a lower risk of gum disease and other conditions like heart disease: mouth health has been linked to heart health.

When you're ready to make your decisions, be a wise comparison shopper. Consult with Dr. Maryam Azadpur at Simsbury Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry to decide what is best for you!

Famous Teeth throughout History

June 13th, 2024

We probably all remember sitting through history lessons during our schooling years. Revolutionary war heroes, English royals, and pop-culture icons filled the pages of our textbooks. Although you may recall a detail or two about their historical significance, how much do you know about their teeth?

Picture England in the mid 1500s. People wore frilly clothes as they hustled along the street, and talked about the latest import from the Indies: sugar. Wealthy Brits did not hesitate to indulge their sweet tooth, and it was no different for the monarch, Queen Elizabeth I.

The queen was especially fond of sweets, but not so fond of the dentist. Her teeth rotted; they turned black and gave off a foul odor. Eventually, Elizabeth lost so many teeth that people found it difficult to understand her when she spoke.

Flash forward to the Revolutionary-era colonies in the 1770s and we encounter the famous dentures of George Washington. They were not made of wood, but rather a combination of ivory and human teeth, some of which were his own pulled teeth and some he purchased from slaves.

Washington did not practice proper dental hygiene throughout his life. He began to suffer dental problems as early as age 24, when he had his first tooth pulled. By the time he was inaugurated in as the first president in 1789, he had only one tooth remaining in his mouth, which was pulled in 1796.

Washington’s dentures were made too wide and never quite fit his mouth properly. He complained that they were painful to wear and caused his jaw to protrude visibly outward.

If you’ve heard of Doc Holliday, you know him as the gun-toting, mustached criminal that ran the Wild West in the late 1800s. You might be surprised to learn that John Henry “Doc” Holliday actually had a career as a dentist.

He graduated from dental school in 1872 and began to practice in Griffin, Georgia. Holliday was later diagnosed with tuberculosis and his violent coughing fits during exams drove patients away. Jobless, he packed his bags for Texas and spent the rest of his days running from town to town as a criminal.

The Beatles brought pop music and British culture to their fans, as well as … teeth? In the mid-1960s, John Lennon had a molar removed that he presented as a gift to his housekeeper, Dorothy. Dorothy’s daughter was a huge fan of the Beatles and he thought she might like to a keepsake. Her family held onto the tooth until 2011, when they auctioned it off to a Canadian dentist for $31,000.

These historical figures had very different experiences with their teeth, but it’s safe to say a bit of extra brushing and flossing could’ve saved them a lot of trouble. Whether you’re queen, president, or an average citizen, it’s up to you to practice good dental hygiene!

Ask a member of our team at our Simsbury, CT office if you have any questions about how to keep your teeth in top shape!

(860) 658-7548
381 Hopmeadow St #202
Weatogue, CT 06089